Vision IAS Current Affairs December 2019 for UPSC CSE and state PCS Exams, Download pdf now.

Vision IAS Current Affairs December 2019 pdf will be very helpful for UPSC Aspirants preparing for UPSC Civil Service Exam 2020 (Prelims) and mains exam. We're very thankful to for these very important current affair magazine.
In this current affairs magazine you'll understand topic -
- Polity and Constitution- Creamy Layer Criteria for SC/ST in Promotions, Political Parties Registration Tracking Management System (PPRTMS), Arms (Amendment) Act, 2019 etc
- International Relation- Russia-China Relations and India, India - German Relations
- Indian Economy: IMF Suggests Policy Actions to Combat Slowdown , Draft National Statistical Commission (NSC) Bill, 2019, The Code on Social Security, 2019.