UPSC has released the result of Indian Forest Services Mains Examination 2019, check it at official website of the commission.

UPSC IFS Mains Exam 2019 Result: Union Public Service Commission has declared the result of Indian Forest Services Examination 2019 on the basis of written examination held from 1st December to 8th December, 2019. List of qualified candidates has with names and roll numbers provided below in result pdf.
Candidates seeking reservation/relaxation benefits available for SC/ST/OBC/PwBD/Ex‐servicemen must also produce original certificates dated earlier than the closing date of the application for Indian Forest Service Examination‐2019 through Civil Services (Preliminary) Examination, 2019 i.e. 19.03.2019. Candidates seeking reservation/relaxation benefits available for EWS must produce original Income & Asset certificate of issuing date earlier than 01.08.2019.
Interview: Personality Tests (Interviews) of these candidates are likely to commence in the month of February, 2020
Personality Tests will be held in the Office of the Union Public Service Commission at Dholpur House, Shahjahan Road, New Delhi‐110069. The e‐Summon Letter of Personality Test of candidates being called for Interview may be downloaded from the Commission’s Website & from 24 Jan, 2020. The candidates who are not able to download e‐Summon Letter for Personality Test, should immediately contact the office of the Commission through letter or on Phone Nos. 011‐23385271, 011‐23381125, 011‐23098543 or Fax No. 011‐23387310, 011‐23384472 or by email on (skindo‐[email protected]). No paper Summon Letters will be issued for the Personality Test/Interview by the Commission.