UPSC has declared the result of Combined Defence Services (II) Examination 2019 along with the names of the candidates.

UPSC CDS(II) Exam 2019 Result: Union Public Service Commission has declared the result Combined Defence Service Examination 2019 held by the Union Public Service Commission on 08th September, 2019.
As per the result 8120 candidates have qualified for being interviewed by the Service Selection Board of the Ministry of Defence, for admission to (i) Indian Military Academy, Dehradun 149th (DE) Course commencing in July, 2020 (ii) Indian Naval Academy, Ezhimala, Kerala, Course commencing in July, 2020 (iii) Air Force Academy, Hyderabad (Pre-Flying) Training Course (208 F(P)) commencing in July, 2020 (iv) Officers Training Academy, Chennai 112th SSC (Men) Course (NT) commencing in October, 2020 and (v) Officers Training Academy, Chennai, 26th SSC Women (Non-Technical) Course commencing in October, 2020.
Candidates who qualified in the written exam and given their first choice as Army (IMA/OTA) are required to register themselves on the recruiting directorate website to enable them to receive call up information for SSB interview.
Those candidates who have already registered on the recruiting directorate website are advised not to register again.
In case, there is any change of address, the candidates are advised to promptly intimate directly to the Army Headquarters/Naval Headquarters/Air Headquarters as the case may be.
The Union Public Service Commission has a Facilitation Counter near Examination Hall Building in its Campus. Candidates may obtain any information/clarification regarding this examination on working days between 10.00 AM to 5.00 PM, in person or over telephone No.011-23385271, 011-23381125 and 011-23098543 from this Facilitation Counter. Candidates can also obtain information regarding their result by accessing UPSC website
UPSC Combined Defence Services Examination (II), 2019 Result pdf