Vision IAS has released its weekly magazine Infrastructure and Development in NE Region, Candidates can read this magazine for subject society, science, and technology.
Vision IAS Weekly Magazine Infrastructure and Development in NE Region for UPSC Civil Services Mains Examination.

Vision IAS has released a weekly magazine Infrastructure and Development in NE Region on the 4th week of January 2021. Candidates can read this magazine for science and technology and society subjects.
India's North Eastern Region (NER) represents 9% of India's geographical area and contributes 3% to the country's gross domestic product (GDP). Given its rich natural resource base and strategic location, the NER has the potential to become a "powerhouse" in terms of trade and investment. The NER is unique in terms of the economic opportunities it offers. About 98 percent of the region's borders form India's international boundaries with China, Bangladesh, Bhutan, and Myanmar. Given its strategic location, the NER serves as a geographical base for India's growing economic linkages not only with the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) but also with neighboring countries in South Asia, namely, Bangladesh, Bhutan, and Nepal.
However, it is argued that inadequate infrastructure and poor connectivity are major constraints to development in the region. But why is infrastructural development so important, especially for the NER? What is the current status of infrastructural development in the region? What are the reasons behind the prevalence of gaps in the region's infrastructure? What are the steps taken by the Government to close these gaps? And what can be done to further accelerate infrastructural development in the region? In this pdf edition, we will try to answer these questions.
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Last Week Vision IAS released the magazine India and Word Trade Organization.