Union Public Service Commission has declared the result of Engineering Services Mains Written Exam 2020.
UPSC Engineering Mains Written Exam 2020 Result: Union Pubic Service Commission has declared the result of Engineering Services Mains 2020 Written Exam result at its official website. Candidates who appeared in the examination can check their result at the official website of the commission i.e. upsc.gov.in or a direct link also provided at the end of this article.
Engineering Services Mains Exam was conducted on 18 October 2020, Candidates who qualified in the written examination are eligible for the interview. But before that candidates have to apply for Detailed Application Form(DAF) at the commission's website https://upsconline.nic.in from 24.12.2020 to 05.01.2021 till 06.00 P.M.
The commission notified that "The qualified candidates are further advised to refer to the Rules of the Engineering Services Examination, 2020 notified on 25th September, 2019 in the Gazette of India and the Examination Notice, which is available on the website of the Commission"
Score for all candidates who qualified or not will be visible at the official website after the final results. So candidates are advised to check that too accordingly to see their performance.
The commission also notified that "The candidates can access the marks-sheets after keying their Roll Numbers and date of birth. The printed/hard copies of the marks-sheet would, however, be issued by UPSC to candidates based on specific request accompanied by a self addressed stamped envelope. Candidates desirous of obtaining printed/hard copies of the marks sheets should make the request within thirty days of the display of the marks on the Commission’s Website, beyond which such requests would not be entertained."