UPSC released Applications rejected due io non-payment of Examination fee for National Defence Academy and Naval Academy Examination (II), 2020

UPSC NDA NA Rejected Application 2020: National Defence Academy & Naval Academy Examination (II), 2020 Applications rejected due to non-payment of Examination fee.
"Confirmation has Not been received from the Bank Authorities receipt of regarding Fee of Rs 100/- in respect of following candidates for NDA & NA Examination, 2020", UPSC Notified.
In terms of the provisions contained in the "commission's Notice No.0g/2020- NDA-II dated 16.06.2020, applications of all these candidates for the said examinations have been rejected by the Commission. E-mail in this regard will also be sent to all candidates soon. Appeal against rejection, if any, may be made within 10 (Ten) days along with the documentary evidence by speed post OR by hand only to Smt. Kripa Anna Ekka, Under Secretary (NDA), Union Public Service Commission, Hall No.I, 4th floor, Examination Hall Building, Dholpur House, Shahjahan Road, New Delhi-110069.
Appeal against such rejection should be received in the Commission's office latest by 22.07.2020. On receipt of documentary proof), genuine fee payment will be considered and applications will be revived, if otherwise eligible. For more detail read the notification linked below.