UPSC allows aspirants to change their Exam Centre for the CSE & IFS Prelims 2020 Examination.

UPSC Prelims Exam Centre 2020: The Union Public Service Commission will be conducting the Civil Services (Preliminary) Examination, 2020 [including the Indian Forest Service (Preliminary) Examination, 2020] on 04.10.2020 (Sunday) all over India as per the Revised Programme of Examinations/RTs published on 05.06.2020.
The window of submitting the revised choice of Centres by the candidates will be operational in two phases i.e. 7th-13th July 2020 (06.00 PM), and 20th-24th July, 2020 (06.00 PM) on the Commission’s website The candidates are advised to visit the website and submit their choices of Centres of the above Examination if required.
The candidates may please note that their requests for change in the Centres will be considered based on the principle of "first-apply-first allot" basis [which is followed in all the Examinations of the Commission and was mentioned in the Examination Notices of the Civil Services (Preliminary) Examination, 2020 and Indian Forest Service Examination, 2020] and once the capacity of a particular Centre is attained, the same will be frozen.