UPSC has released the revised result of CISF AC(EXE) LDCE-2020 Examination, check it at the official website.

CISF AC(EXE) LDCE-2020 Written Exam Result with name: Union Public Service Commission has released the exam result for The Central Industrial Security Force (CISF) Limited Departmental Competitive Exam, 2020. The exam was held on 1st March 2020 by the commission throughout the country.
Roll numbers provided in the list linked below are qualified provisionally for Physical Standards/Physical Efficiency Tests and Medical Standards Tests.
The marks and other details related to the examination shall be available on the Commission’s website within 30 days from the date of publication of the final result i.e. after the conduct of the interview by the UPSC and would be available on the UPSC’s website for a period of 30 days.
The result of one candidate (Roll No.0800651), has been withheld in compliance with the Order of the Hon’ble High Court, Delhi.
Candidates are also advised to intimate the change in their address, if any, to the CISF authorities at HQ: DG, CISF, Block No. 13, CGO Complex, Lodhi Road, New Delhi-110003.