UPSC Civil Services Prelims Examination 2020 has been deferred due to coronavirus COVID-19, fresh dates for the examination will be announced.

UPSC notify prior least 30 days Union Public Service Commission has deferred Civil Services IAS Preliminary Examination 2020 due to COVID-19. Candidates who are waiting for new dates have to wait till 20th May 2020.
"As and when dates are decided for the deferred tests/examinations, it will be ensured that candidates are given a notice of at least 30 days," UPSC said.
As per the statement released by the commission on its official website, commission will give prior notice of least 30 days before the Prelims Exams 2020. Dates of the examination will be decided accordingly with the situation.
UPSC conducts Civil Services Prelims exam for Civil Services and Forest Service Recruitment.
The Commission has also deferred the notification for the Indian Economic Service/Indian Statistical Service Examination, 2020; Combined Medical Services Examination, 2020; Central Armed Police Forces Examination, 2020 and the NDA & Naval Academy Examination, 2020.