UPSC Press release notice for upcoming UPSC exams, Including UPSC Civil Services Prelims Exam 2020.

UPSC Civil Services IAS Prelims Exam 2020 is scheduled to be held on 31st May, 2020. A special meeting of the Commission was held on April, 15, 2020 to review the situation arising out of the Corona Virus pandemic.
As per the notice released by the commission at its official website: UPSC Civil Services Prelims Exam 2020, Engineering Services (Main) and the Geologist Services (Main) Examinations will be conducted on the date announced by the commission. This means that these exams are on time, the commission also added that it can reschedule these exams if necessitated by the evolving situation.
A decision on fresh dates for the remaining Civil Services-2019 Personality Tests will be taken after May 3, 2020, following the second phase of the lockdown.
Deferment notices have already been posted for the Combined Medical Services Examination, the Indian Economic Service and the Indian Statistical Service Examination 2020.
Dates for the CAPF Exam 2020 will also be notified on the UPSC website. The National Defence Academy(NDA-I) Examination has already been postponed till further intimation.
A decision on the NDA –II Examination will be posted on June 10, 2020, the scheduled date for its notification. Any other decision of the Commission in respect of all the Examinations, Interviews and Recruitment Boards will be promptly made available on the Commission’s website.