UPSC has released Interview Details for Medical Officer Exam. Candidates can check it at official website or link provided.

UPSC Medical Officer Interview Details: Computer Based Recruitment Test (CBRT) for 327 posts of Medical Officer (General Duty Medical Officer), Department of Health & Family Welfare, Govt. of NCT of Delhi [Advt. No. 01/2019 dated 12.01.2019, Vacancy No. 19010115112, Item No. 15]
Candidates for above application number, are shortlisted for Interview for General Duty Medical Officer Exam, are accordingly requested to appear for the interview as per the reporting schedule given below. Reporting time for candidates called for interview in Forenoon Session is 09.00 A.M and the Reporting time for candidates called for interview in Afternoon Session is 12.00 Noon, in the UPSC Office, Dholpur House, Shahjahan Road, New Delhi – 110 069.