SSC has declared the result of Junior Engineer Examination 2018. Candidates can check it at the official website of the commission i.e.

SSC JE Result 2018: Staff Selection Commission has declared the result of Junior Engineer Examination 2018. Candidates who appeared in the Examination can check their result at the official website of the commission.
Paper 1 of the examination held for the recruitment of Junior Engineers or JE (Civil, Mechanical, Electrical and Quantity Surveying and Contract) recruitment 2018 from September 23, 2019 to September 27, 2019 in various exam centres all over the country. A total number of 3,77,133 candidates appeared in the Examination. The SSC JE result and SSC JE cut-off details have been released at
The Descriptive Paper (Paper 2) of JE examination 2018 will be conducted on December 29, 2019.
