Read The Hindu Notes of 9th March 2019 for UPSC Civil Service Examination, State Civil Service Examination and other competitive Examination

- A peace movement is needed
- The case for a First Front
- Road through Rome
- Strange turn
- When Bandipur burned
A peace movement is needed
India and Pakistan must re-imagine the border as a fold of peace instead of as a threshold of hostilities
Beyond machismo
No democracy without peace
Guns and culture
The case for a First Front
A Third or Federal Front will not be able to confront the challenge the Hindu right poses to India’s secular polity

Coalition failures
Looking beyond
Shift to the right
The vote share riddle
Road through Rome?
Italy’s proposed endorsement of the BRI highlights the dilemmas within the EU
Strange turn
The Supreme Court’s attempt at mediation in the Ayodhya dispute is incongruous
When Bandipur burned
The forest fire that erupted in Bandipur Tiger Reserve last month devastated hundreds of acres of pristine forest. R. Krishna Kumar and E.M. Manoj report on the mammoth effort that went into containing the fire and the need to upgrade fire-fighting capabilities
How the fire spread
Help from tribals
Damage assessment
A wake-up call