Read The Hindu Notes of 25th January 2019 for UPSC Civil Service Examination, State Civil Service Examination and other competitive Examination

- A tragedy that was long in the making
- The ground beneath our feet has moved to the right
- Familial face
- Season’s worst
- Are we undermining our scientific temper?
- Checks and balances
A tragedy that was long in the making
Illegal rat-hole mining in Meghalaya persists despite ruinous effects on the environment
Doomed from the beginning
The fault-lines
Abandoning responsibility
The ground beneath our feet has moved to the right
Hate has become mainstream. This can only change when democracy is no longer equated with majoritarianism
Mainstreaming hate
Eliminating hate
Familial face
Priyanka Gandhi can be a star campaigner, but the Congress still needs to flesh out its vision
Season’s worst
A concerted public health push is required to tackle periodic outbreaks of influenza
Are we undermining our scientific temper?
Science funding is inadequate and science management is problematic
Nehru and scientific temper
Superstitions hold
Changing facts
All of India’s Prime Ministers have been strong protagonists of science and technology
Protagonists of science
Science is for humanity
Public rationality has to be ethical and humanitarian
Three ambiguous terms
What is public rationality?