Read The Hindu Notes of 04th October 2018 for UPSC Civil Service Examination, State Civil Service Examination and other competitive Examination

- The scope of constitutional morality
- The creamy layer of social justice
- In harmony with Mother Nature
- Presuming the disabled to be ‘incompetent’
The scope of constitutional morality
Abolition of untouchability in all its forms, including scavenging, remains an unrealised constitutional right
“The issue of the rights of sweepers and scavengers has never entered the mainstream legal consciousness in the country,” wrote Upendra Baxi in Law and Poverty: Critical Essays. “Nor have the Bar and the Bench, and the mushrooming legal aid and advice programmes shown any awareness of the exploitative conditions of work imposed upon the scavengers and sweepers under the employment of municipal corporations or related local bodies… [T]he exploitative conditions of work constitute governmental defiance of the law and the Constitution, which can be best summed up as a crucial component of overall governmental lawlessness in the country since Independence.”
Flouting laws
Judicial empathy
Principle of non-retrogression
The creamy layer of social justice
The progression from poor to bourgeois to elite is a welcome evolution in nation-building — the apex court missed it
Out of synchrony
In harmony with Mother Nature
We need a clean environment for human empowerment
A proud moment
Need for public awareness
Climate justice
Presuming the disabled to be ‘incompetent’
The government’s revised guidelines for conducting exams for persons with disabilities are unfair and regressive
Claims of cheating