Read The Hindu Notes of 23rd October 2018 for UPSC Civil Service Examination, State Civil Service Examination and other competitive Examination

- Populism confronts reality
- The value of a health scheme
- The judiciary’s #MeToo moment
- Ripe for prison reform
Populism confronts reality
With Pakistan seeking an IMF loan, Imran Khan will struggle to keep up his rhetoric
Going back on promises
On a loan and a prayer
The value of a health scheme
The challenges for the success of Ayushman Bharat are more than just at the financial and infrastructural level
Two schemes, one focus
Beyond the visible impact
The judiciary’s #MeToo moment
It is an opportunity to ensure that the defamation law is no longer used as a tool for harassment
Impinging on freedom
The movement
An opportunity for change
Ripe for prison reform
Political will is crucial to reform India’s criminal justice system
Punish or reform?
Packed to the gills
Handling white collar crimes
On prison officials