Staff Selection Commission has released revised result of Tier I exam 2017.

Staff Selection Commission(SSC) has released Combined Graduate Level Tier I exam result. A technical glitch by the commission, a good news for CGL Aspirants. According to SSC 'due to a technical glitch, a few tentative Answer Keys had not been revised.' Now SSC lowers the cut off marks for Tier I exam. Now cut off mark lower with 4 or 5 marks each category, resulting 39434 more candidates shortlisted for Tier II Exam.
SSC CGL Tier I result was declared on October 30, initially. The tier 2 exam was supposed to be held in December 2017.
In official statement of SSC, 'However, it was discovered that due to a technical glitch, a few tentative Answer Keys had not been revised. The Commission, therefore, undertook a comprehensive review. Based on the comprehensive review undertaken by the Commission, there has been a lowering in the cut off marks which has resulted in the revision of the result' stated.